
Schwartz – The Sound of Taste

Schwartz – ‘The Sound of Taste

This remarkable commercial for Schwartz suggests that the contents of their sachets and jars are so full of flavour they’ll explode. The depiction of this idea has been beautifully filmed with hessian sacks of exotically-coloured spices blasting in sequence, with the classiness underlined by a well-judged piano score.

Each spice has been issued with its own musical note to ensure perfect harmony between MJ Cole’s composition and the slow motion footage. The result is pretty sensational – a bit like Jonathan Glazer’s Sony Bravia ad but – dare we say it – possessing a little more élan.

This projects ‘quality’, and any aspiring chef trying to secure the best ingredients will surely find it pretty enticing.

We have reproduced Schwartz – ‘The Sound of Taste‘ article from The Drum.

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