
Success Stories: Coco DeParis

Soho Sonic specialises in sound design and music recording in London. Located just four minutes away from Oxford Circus tube station, our mixing studio in London accommodates budding artists, talented musicians and established record labels.

Over the years, we have worked with a whole host of talented artists and music producers, helping them kick-start or further their careers.

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We love nothing better than hearing back from some of the artists that we have helped along the way of their amazing music careers. Recently we received some brilliant feedback from one of these artists, and we couldn’t wait to share it with you all.

Coco DeParis needed to record a professional EP to attract music labels, but needed to achieve this with a limited budget. Here at Soho Sonic, it’s not about the money; we are genuinely passionate about helping people achieve their dreams. Therefore, we were delighted to offer Coco the chance to record her EP with us.

In her testimonial, Coco writes “They liked my songs and genuinely wanted to help me. I am very thankful for that.” She went on to say that we made her feel “very welcome and comfortable” and that she felt like “part of a family.”

Coco went on to get signed by a music label in LA, which was very exciting to hear about! Now a multi album recording artist, we were so pleased to hear from her recently, when she contacted us to ask if she could come back to Soho Sonic and record additional tracks.


We love having her back in the studio, especially knowing that we played a part in getting her career started. You can check out Coco in action below.

Coco is clearly happy that someone gave her a chance, and we are extremely pleased to be a part of her amazing journey.

If you’re an unsigned artist who is looking for their big break, we want to help you out.

Here at Soho Sonic, we have launched a new recording package that is primarily aimed at unsigned artists.  This ‘White Knight Package’ makes use of the times that our studio is usually empty, between 11pm-6am, offering it out at an affordable price. Musicians will have full access to our high quality recording facilities, which they will be able to make use of in peace and quiet – without the distractions of day time worries.


If you’re interested in this package, or any other that we offer, please do not hesitate to contact us. You can give us a call on 020 7193 4467 and a member of our team will be happy to help.

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