
Greatest Movie Musicals of All Time

This year, the great movie The Sound of Music celebrates its 50th anniversary, so yes, that means that the youngest of the Von Trapp children, Gretl, is now 56 years old. We thought that this deserved some acknowledgement, so to celebrate, we’ll take a look at a few more of our favourite movie musicals.

Grease (1978)

Who doesn’t remember watching this classic as a kid and secretly wishing you were Danny or Sandy while singing into a hairbrush? No? Just us? Grease was the ultimate coming-of-age musical (even if most of the actors were 30 somethings) that taught us that, if you would just put on an uncomfortably tight catsuit and pop a cigarette in your mouth, you will eventually get the boy. Although it may be worth remembering that sometimes the boy grows up to be the creepiest man alive.

My Fair Lady (1964)

We can’t help but love this oh-so-sweet story of Eliza Doolittle as she is transformed into a fine lady by two snobby linguists. Sure, the majority of Audrey Hepburn’s vocals had to be dubbed because they were, well, not great, but we’re willing to overlook that and forget about the fact that Julie Andrews nearly got the role.

Les Misérables (2012)

This epic musical became even more epic when it was translated to the big screen with pretty much every huge name from Hollywood you could possibly want to see belting out a show-stopper. The story may seem a little ridiculous at times – Marius and Cosette falling madly in love with each other after having spent roughly three seconds together is a prime example – but what musical would be the same without a little ridiculousness?

The Wizard of Oz (1939)

How could we possibly mock The Wizard of Oz? Especially seeing as the film was released 74 years ago, so we’ve got to admit that it’s quite impressive to still be so widely loved today. This is the film that we’ll be showing to our children and grandchildren to teach them all the life lessons they ever need.

West Side Story (1961)

This musical is actually an adaption of Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet, so you’ll understand that the leading characters are a little irritating, but it can’t be denied that this musical gave us some fantastic tunes to sing along to in our living rooms.

Chicago (2002)

Who would have thought that Catherine Zeta-Jones and Renee Zellweger could be part of such a great film? Somehow, it actually worked and they gave us some pretty fantastic show tunes. Plus now we know not to mess with women that walk around in black lycra.

Moulin Rouge (2001)

To be perfectly honest, it sounds like a recipe for disaster, but this film proved everyone wrong when it was released. The singing talents of Nicole Kidman and Ewan McGregor were put on display and the whole production, although completely mad, was a colourful and artistic work that made for pretty enjoyable viewing.

The Rocky Horror Picture Show (1975)

If you’re looking for a movie with a storyline that makes any sense whatsoever, this is not the one for you. If you’re looking for some of the greatest songs and Tim Curry in sequins and high heels, then you’re in luck! Rocky Horror is a mad, camp and wacky creation that you have to watch at least once in your life.

Here at Soho Sonic, we’re passionate about music in all of its forms, so whether you’re recording your next record or the soundtrack for your very own musical movie, we have everything you may need at our recording studio in London. If you would like to find out more about any of our services, don’t hesitate to contact us today by calling 020 7193 4467 to speak to a member of our team.

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